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Push Protocol
· 3 min read

Introducing Push Amplify Upgrade!

Cover Image of Push Amplify Upgrade

Notifications get a facelift with Channel History and Profile Page:

Introducing enhanced channel history!

With channel history, Push users can seamlessly access a channel's past conversations and content. Users can review past notifications and stay updated on important alerts from their favorite DeFi protocols and NFT brands.

Push Profile Pages and History GIF

Push for NFT Community

Push Group Chat UI & Hyperscalability:

The revamped Push Protocol group chat takes community management for NFT projects to the next level. It seamlessly integrates token gating, allowing access only to holders of your specific NFT. This fosters an exclusive space for discussions and collaboration.

But it doesn't stop there! Push Protocol's partnership with allows you to define additional access tiers within the chat using Guild roles. Imagine VIP channels for early adopters or dedicated areas for high-volume traders.

Plus, integration with Unstoppable Domains lets users join using their human-readable addresses (like yourname.nft) for a smooth and familiar experience. This revamped group chat empowers you to cultivate a thriving NFT community with targeted communication and a strong sense of belonging.

Push Chat Infographic

Push for Web 3 Builders

Push Nodes & Validation:

The Push Network will comprise three different types of Nodes. This includes:

  • Validator nodes - Batching notifications into blocks, validating them, and providing all the required APIs for SDK.
  • Storage nodes - Indexing notifications.
  • Delivery nodes - Sending notifications to the end-user device based on his/her 0xwallet, not his/her hardware credentials.

The network is guarded by a smart contract to maintain node staking and slashing. This is where the $PUSH token is used.

Push Delivery Nodes infograpic

Push DAO - A Decentralized Push Protocol Powerhouse:

Push DAO is a community-run organization built by Push Protocol enthusiasts. Its goal is to scale Push Protocol's usage and ecosystem. Over time, it will evolve to fully govern Push Protocol's present and future.

How it Works:

  • The DAO operates through subDAOs (sub-organizations) with specific functions:
    • Business Development (BD) subDAO: Focuses on growth initiatives for Push Protocol.
    • Grants subDAO: Manages community grants and future Push ecosystem grants.
    • Push Council: Oversees budgets for all subDAOs and the DAO itself.
  • Anyone can propose Push Improvement Proposals (PIPs) to improve the protocol.
  • Initiatives are voted on and implemented seasonally (monthly or quarterly).

The Takeaway:

Push DAO is a community-driven force, empowering Push Protocol's growth and future direction.


$PUSH is the native token of the Push Network and it will be used to enable several key functions of the network apart from the already existing utilities defined in the current tokenomics.

  1. Staking for Push Validator Nodes Push Validator Nodes are going to be the computational backbone of the Push Network. They will be responsible for validating the network and ensuring that the network is secure and reliable. They are also responsible for penalizing and kicking out bad actors from the network.

Running a Push Validator Node will require staking a certain amount of $PUSH tokens along with having a domain name and a server to run the node.

  1. Staking for Push Storage Nodes Push Storage Nodes are meant to store the data of the Push Network. They will be responsible for storing the data of the network and ensuring that the data is available to the network.

Running a Push Storage Node will also require staking a certain amount of $PUSH.

  1. Staking for Push Delivery Nodes Push Delivery Nodes serve as a light node that enables the last mile delivery of notifications to the end users. Running them will also have staking requirements.

  2. Stake for Writing API Calls on Push Node Having a trustless and decentralized network requires a mechanism to ensure that the network is not spammed with unnecessary API calls. To ensure this, a staking mechanism requiring $PUSH will be introduced for writing API calls on the Push Network for sending notifications.

This is just the beginning of Push Tokenomics V2 and we are super excited to unveil even more exciting utilities as we progress- Join the Push Fam community on Twitter and Discord for more updates!

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About Push Protocol
Push is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across.

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