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Push Protocol
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EPNS Monthly Blocks

Cover Image of EPNS Monthly Blocks

With our roadmap released to the public last month and all our ambitious goals for 2021, it’s no surprise this month comes packed with great news and lots of work!

Let’s look into everything EPNS that took place this month!

EPNS Liquidity Rewards Program πŸ’Žβ€‹

Our Liquidity Rewards Program has been a great success! It has consistently delivered very attractive yields to participants in both of the pools available. We have observed yields above 210% APR for the Uniswap LP Pool (UNI-V2) through the entire month and above 115% APR for the PUSH Staking pool.

Make sure to take a look at this awesome explainer video from Defi Dad.

Additionally, we recently updated the Community Incentives website to show more information about your position in a pool and enabled support for Wallet Connect and Ledger. Also, we are adding APR & APY percentages soon.

Talking about community, our Community #ROCKSTAR NFT drop keeps setting the bar higher and higher. From deep community involvement and contributions to the project, dApps, Infographics, and more. Can’t wait to see where creativity will take our awesome community next month!

πŸ“’ Q2 Roadmap: Status Update

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Pilot Program Collaboration Updates​

We are making steady progress building channels with:

  • Uniswap: to notify users about new governance proposals. The channel has passed an initial validation from the EPNS side, and we will soon be working on adjustments and improvements based on Uniswap’s team feedback.

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  • to notify users regarding events like rounds starting/finalizing, when contributions are received, when funds claimed, and when a tally is published. This channel is currently in development, and we are working closely with the team to speed up the process.
  • Alpha Homora: to notify users about upcoming liquidations of leveraged positions. We are working against the latest version of the AH contracts, and the channel will be ready for testing soon.
  • Surprise channel announcement soon πŸ‘€

Collaboration announcements​

  • With Ceramic Network to explore sending notifications through a user’s DID.
  • With bZx to send margin lending and trading notifications directly to bZx user wallets.
  • With Unilend to notify users about new tokens listings, status of swap and spot trades, governance proposals, airdrops, and when a Flash Loan goes through.
  • With Charged Particles to notify users about NFT deposits, interest earned and more actions in the Charged Particles platform.
  • With YAM Finance to notify users about liquidation risks, and governance actions.
  • With PlotX to send all prediction market trading notifications directly to PlotX user wallets.

Completing EPNS Protocol v1​

  • Full protocol test cases coverage is in the code review stage.
  • Adding capabilities to delegate other wallets to Send Notifications on behalf of a channel.
  • Ensuring upgradeability capabilities.

Backend SDKs​

This is currently a work in progress for our team. We have been taking into consideration not only what we had planned since the start of the year, but also all the feedback and questions received from the community mostly through our Discord server. We are aiming to release an npm package that will allow developers to easily interface with the EPNS protocol to perform its most basic set of functions, starting with Sending Notifications in all its flavors.

Browser Extension​

This is also a work in progress. The goal is to release an initial version of a Browser Extension that will allow end-users to easily set up their wallets to receive notifications (through a guided wizard). Once the wallet is configured, users will know when new notifications arrive and will be able to go to the dApp with 1-click.

Other Highlights

This month we want to leave you with one of our favorite and most liked tweet of the month: Meet Frens of EPNS πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

It reflects in many ways how lucky and grateful we are to be in this amazing space at the right moment and at the right time.


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About Push Protocol
Push is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across.

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