The impending dawn of the Metaverse is creating waves of excitement among people across the globe. With promises of fully immersive virtual worlds where everything is possible, the Metaverse is poised to bring significant changes to our world.
The EPNS mainnet launched on January 11! We’re thankful to the community for building with us over the last years, and we’re excited for this next phase of decentralized, Web3 communication.
Ask anyone what’s the most happening industry these days and they’ll tell you decentralized finance (DeFi) without batting an eye. This new industry is now home to a plethora of dApps, decentralized protocols, businesses, and rapid technological developments. But despite such momentous success, user participation and engagement rates in DeFi are still at the lower end.
Ethereum Push Notification Service (EPNS) is a platform-agnostic, decentralized notification protocol for Ethereum-based Web 3.0 applications. It enables users to receive notifications for on-chain or off-chain activity.