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21 posts tagged with "Governance"

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Cover image of Fast-tracking Proposals, Approved!

· 2 min read

We are excited to announce that governance proposal PIP-08 — Fast-tracking of PIPs that get Immediate traction into Snapshot — was approved via governance voting by a vast majority of 1.2M PUSH in favor.

Cover image of Token-Gated Channel for Our Rockstar Community

· 2 min read

The Rockstars of EPNS program has been live for close to a year now so as we close out this first 52-week run we wanted to offer yet another perk to these valued community members who have put forth the effort to become the titular Rockstars of this community..

Cover image of Push Grants Program.. it’s here!

· 3 min read

This democratic (small-d) process within web3 environments is similar to every other governing body you’re familiar with in life. Good governance is about stewarding the interests of their people (citizens, hodlers, etc.) and allocating common assets for the greater good.

Cover Image of Our 2021 Year in Review 🎉🎉🎉

· 23 min read

2021 was an epic year for EPNS. And not just us, for the entire crypto space. It was the year when the world finally opened up to crypto, blockchain, DeFi, and all their use cases. Along with the fundamental changes also arrived the age of L2 scaling and NFTs, pushing blockchain and crypto further into the mainstream.

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