Push SDK React playground
This tutorial is designed to get you up and going by providing playground containing a React implementation of Push Video. Checkout Push SDK React frontend example that utlizes @pushprotocol/uiweb @pushprotocol/restapi and @pushprotocol/socket for more info!
The Push SDK React Playground is hosted live. To experiment with the React implementation of Push Video, visit the Push SDK React Playground Video Section.
Step 1: Clone the Push SDK Repository
Download the Push SDK repository to your local machine.
- js
git clone https://github.com/push-protocol/push-sdk.git
Step 2: Install Dependencies
Navigate to the SDK directory and install required dependencies.
- js
cd push-sdk
yarn install
Step 3: Install playground dependencies
React-playground depends on restapi and uiweb packages whose dependencies also need to be installed.
- js
# Navigate to restapi package and install package dependencies
cd packages/restapi && yarn install
# Nagivate back to root directory
cd ../..
# Navigate to uiweb package and install package dependencies
cd packages/uiweb && yarn install
# Nagivate back to root directory
cd ../..
Step 4: Run Push SDK React playground
- js
yarn nx run examples-sdk-frontend-react:serve:development
Expected Output
The following React app should be running on http://localhost:4200/
Step 5: Experiment with Video implementation
Click on the Video
tab to experiment with the React implementation of Push Video. Feel free to try calling your friend.