Group permissions overview
These APIs help in validating if you have permissions for a gated group.
Get group permissions API
To determine if the permissions are granted to a user in a particular group.
- js
const groupPermissions = await;
Get group permissions parameters
Param | Type | Default | Remarks |
chatId | string | - | The chatid related to that specific group. chatid are unique identifiers of the group |
Note: Parameters
in this style
are mandatory.
Expected response
entry: true,
chat: true,
rules: { entry: { conditions: [] }, chat: { conditions: [] } }
Param | Type | Remarks |
entry | boolean | Refers if the Profile has access to enter the group |
chat | boolean | Refers if the Profile has access to chat in the group |
rules | object | Moderation rules of the group |
Modify Roles of members in a Group
This API can be used to change the roles of members within a group. By altering roles, you can adjust their permissions and access within the group.
- js
const makeAdmins = await, {
role: 'MEMBER', // Specify the new role here: "ADMIN" or "MEMBER"
accounts: [bobAddress], // Array of wallet addresses for the members whose roles are being changed
Get group permissions parameters
Param | Type | Subtype | Default | Remarks |
chatId | string | - | - | The chatid related to that specific group. chatid are unique identifiers of the group. |
options | Object | - | - | Configuration object for specifying role changes. |
- | options.role | admin or member | - | The new role to assign. Valid options: admin or member . |
- | options.accounts | string[] | - | Array of wallet addresses representing the members whose roles you want to modify. |
Note: Parameters
in this style
are mandatory.
Expected response
"groupName": "Testing",
"groupDescription": "test",
"groupImage": "",
"meta": null,
"scheduleAt": null,
"scheduleEnd": null,
"rules": {},
"status": null,
"isPublic": true,
"groupType": "default",
"chatId": "b575dc063b8bcf88962c6b91b83caa4d0901146b600a6c770ec0d32c501bfdb1",
"groupCreator": "eip155:0xb44a29524433dBC639C35124459c741bC241d4f4",
"encryptedSecret": null,
"sessionKey": null