Push Comm Contract
Unlike the Push core smart contract, the communicator protocol is designed to be deployed on multiple chains. This is also one of the imperative reasons behind the communicator contract being lightweight and less reliant on Push Core.
The Push Communicator protocol is comparatively quite simple. The communicator protocol includes features that allow users to subscribe to a channel, unsubscribe from a channel as well as the imperative one, i.e., sending notifications.
As the communicator protocol can be deployed on various chains, it allows us to trigger notifications on multiple chains and not just the Ethereum blockchain.
Push Communicator smart contracts are necessary to be deployed on any chain where notification directly from smart contracts feature is enabled.
Types & Modifiers
Explains the different types of Data types and access controls used in the Push comm smart contract
Storage Variables
address public governance;
address public pushChannelAdmin;
uint256 public chainID;
uint256 public usersCount;
bool public isMigrationComplete;
address public EPNSCoreAddress;
string public chainName;
string public constant name = "EPNS COMM V1";
struct User {
bool userActivated;
bool publicKeyRegistered;
uint256 userStartBlock;
uint256 subscribedCount;
mapping(address => uint8) isSubscribed;
mapping(address => uint256) subscribed;
mapping(uint256 => address) mapAddressSubscribed;
The User struct in the Push Communicator smart contract stores all the crucial data of a particular user on the smart contract —
- Depicts whether or not a user is ACTIVE
- Returns TRUE if the user's PUBLIC KEY has been registered in the communicator
- Represents the block number when the user was added to the protocol
- Keeps trakc of the total number of channels a user is subscribed to**
- Keeps track of whether or not a user is subscribed to a specific channel address.
- Maps channel address to ID
- Maps ID to Channel Address
- Only allows Push Channel Admin to access the function
- Only allows EPNS Core Contract to access a particular function
- Specifically used in the subscribeViaCore() fucntion
- Ensures that all the necessary checkpoints before sending notification from EPNS Communicator is passed.
- Used in the sendNotifBySig() function.
mapping(address => User) public users;
- Maps a user's address to the User struct
mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;
- Keeps track of the nonce of a specific address
- Specifically used in the Meta transaction functions
mapping(uint256 => address) public mapAddressUsers;
- Maps ID to User's address
- Updated in the _addUser() function of the protocol
mapping(address => mapping(address => string)) public userToChannelNotifs;
- Keeps track the user's Notification settings for a specific channel
mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public delegatedNotificationSenders;
- Keeps track of valid delegate notification sender for a particular channel
Only Admin Setter Functions
1. setEPNSCoreAddress
function setEPNSCoreAddress(address _coreAddress)
Allows only the Push Channel Admin to set the EPNS Communicator smart contract's address.
Argument | Type | Description |
_coreAddress | address | Address of the EPNS Communicator smart contract's address |
2. setGovernanceAddress
function setGovernanceAddress(address _governanceAddress) external onlyPushChannelAdmin() {};
Allows only the Push Channel Admin to set the Governance address.
Argument | Type | Description |
_governanceAddress | address | Address of the Governance protocol |
3. transferPushChannelAdminControl
function transferPushChannelAdminControl(address _newAdmin)
Changes the Push Channel admin's address to a new Address.
Argument | Type | Description |
_newAdmin | address | Address of the new Admin |
- Can only be called by the current Push Channel Admin.
address being passed as an argument must be a valid address._newAdmin
address being passed as an argument must not be the already existing Push Channel Admin's address
Core Functionalities
4. sendNotification
function sendNotification(
address _channel,
address _recipient,
bytes memory _identity
) external returns (bool) {};
If any one of the conditions is met, the function is executed, emitting a SendNotification event.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channel | address | Address of the Channel from which the notification will be sent |
_recipient | address | Address of the notification recipient |
_identity | bytes | Identity bytes of the Channel |
The sendNotification()
is executed if any one of the following conditions is satisfied:
- If the
is a zero address, then the caller of the function must be the Push Channel Admin. - If the
address passed in the argument is any active channel in the protocol, then thesendNotification()
must be called by the channel owner. - ... (and so on, for the remaining conditions)
5. addDelegate
function addDelegate(address _delegate) external {};
Allows a channel owner to approve a specific wallet address as the delegate notification sender for the channel. Once approved, the delegate can send notifications on behalf of the channel.
Argument | Type | Description |
_delegate | address | Address of the delegate being added |
6. removeDelegate
function removeDelegate(address _delegate) external {};
Allows a channel owner to revoke the approval of its delegate notification sender. Once revoked, the delegate cannot send notifications on behalf of that channel.
Argument | Type | Description |
_delegate | address | Address of the delegate being removed |
Subscribe & Unsubscribe Functions
7. subscribe
function subscribe(address _channel) external returns (bool) {};
Marks the caller as a valid subscriber of the channel. The subscribe count of the user is incremented.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channel | address | Address of the channel the user is subscribing to |
- The
argument passed in the function must be a valid channel in an ACTIVE state. - The caller of the function (subscriber) must not already be subscribed to the channel.
- ... (additional checkpoints as needed)
8. batchSubscribe
function batchSubscribe(address[] calldata _channelList) external returns (bool) {};
Allows a user to subscribe to a list of different channels simultaneously.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channelList | address[] | List of channel addresses the user wants to subscribe to |
- The channel addresses passed in the function must be valid channels in an ACTIVE state.
- The caller of the function (subscriber) must not already be subscribed to the channels.
- ... (additional checkpoints as needed)
9. subscribeViaCore
function subscribeViaCore(address _channel, address _user) external onlyEPNSCore returns( bool) {};
Allows the EPNS Core smart contract to perform necessary subscribe actions whenever a user creates their own channel.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channel | address | Address of the channel to which the user is subscribing |
_user | address | Address of the user being subscribed |
- It can only be called by the EPNSCore smart contract.
10. unsubscribe
function unsubscribe(address _channel) external returns (bool) {};
Unmarks the caller as a subscriber of the channel. The subscribe count of the user is decremented.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channel | address | Address of the channel the user is unsubscribing from |
- The caller of the
function should already be a subscriber of the_channel
11. batchUnsubscribe
function batchUnsubscribe(address[] calldata _channelList) external returns (bool) {};
Allows a user to unsubscribe from a list of channels simultaneously.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channelList | address[] | List of channel addresses the user wants to unsubscribe from |
- The caller of the function should already be a subscriber of the list of channels provided as argument.
12. _addUser
function _addUser(address _user) private returns (bool userAlreadyAdded) {};
Checks whether the user address passed as an argument is activated in the protocol. If not already added, the function activates the user's address and performs certain operations.
Argument | Type | Description |
_user | address | Address of the user being checked/added |
13. broadcastUserPublicKey
function broadcastUserPublicKey(bytes calldata _publicKey) external {};
The function checks if the given _publicKey
is already broadcasted in the protocol. If not, it marks the publicKeyRegistered
member as true.
Argument | Type | Description |
_publicKey | bytes | Public key data being broadcasted |
14. verifyChannelAlias
function verifyChannelAlias(string memory _channelAddress) external {};
An essential function for channel owners to verify their channel alias. The entire verification procedure is handled by the PUSH Nodes.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channelAddress | string | Address or alias of the channel to verify |
15. unsubscribeViaCore
function unSubscribeViaCore(address _channel, address _user) external onlyEPNSCore returns (bool) {};
This function manages unsubscribing a user from a channel, with the call restricted to the EPNSCore smart contract.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channel | address | Address of the channel to unsubscribe from |
_user | address | Address of the user to unsubscribe |
Meta Transaction Functions
The EPNS Communicator protocol supports meta transactions or, in other words, gasless transactions. These allow users to interact with functions without incurring gas fees.
Instead of incurring the gas costs themselves, they sign a transaction and then an operator submits it on their behalf. The protocol then verifies the signature and executes the required function.
16. subscribeBySig
function subscribeBySig(
address channel,
address subscriber,
uint256 nonce,
uint256 expiry,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external {};
This function enables a subscription through a signature verification process. It checks the signer's validity, nonce, and expiration before processing the subscription.
Argument | Type | Description |
channel | address | Channel to which the user wants to subscribe |
subscriber | address | Address of the user subscribing |
nonce | uint256 | Nonce value for the transaction |
expiry | uint256 | Expiration timestamp for the signature |
v | uint8 | ECDSA signature parameter |
r | bytes32 | ECDSA signature parameter |
s | bytes32 | ECDSA signature parameter |
- Signer's address must not be invalid.
- Nonce passed as an argument should be a valid one.
- Transaction must not be expired.
17. unsubscribeBySig
function unsubscribeBySig(
address channel,
address subscriber,
uint256 nonce,
uint256 expiry,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external {};
Allows a user to unsubscribe from a channel using a signature. This function checks the signer's validity, nonce, and expiration.
Argument | Type | Description |
channel | address | Channel from which the user wants to unsubscribe |
subscriber | address | Address of the user unsubscribing |
nonce | uint256 | Nonce value for the transaction |
expiry | uint256 | Expiration timestamp for the signature |
v | uint8 | ECDSA signature parameter |
r | bytes32 | ECDSA signature parameter |
s | bytes32 | ECDSA signature parameter |
- Signer's address must not be invalid.
- Nonce passed as an argument should be a valid one.
- Transaction must not be expired.
18. sendNotifBySig
function sendNotifBySig(
address _channel,
address _recipient,
address _signer,
bytes calldata _identity,
uint256 nonce,
uint256 expiry,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external returns (bool) {};
Allows sending of a notification through the Communicator protocol using a signed transaction.
Argument | Type | Description |
_channel | address | Channel through which the notification is being sent |
_recipient | address | Address of the notification recipient |
_signer | address | Signer's address |
_identity | bytes | Identity data |
nonce | uint256 | Nonce value for the transaction |
expiry | uint256 | Expiration timestamp for the signature |
v | uint8 | ECDSA signature parameter |
r | bytes32 | ECDSA signature parameter |
s | bytes32 | ECDSA signature parameter |
- Signer's address must not be invalid.
- Nonce passed as an argument should be a valid one.
- Transaction must not be expired.