Integrate Push Chat
Streamline Chat Integration for Developers: Say goodbye to the hassles of UI design and API calls. With our web components available in the @pushprotocol/uiweb
package, you can effortlessly integrate push chat functionality into your dapp using just a few lines of code.
As an example, take a look at how we seamlessly integrated the Push Chat View component into the
website in the image below.
In order to add the above chatview component the developer just need to write few lines of code
- react
import { ChatView, ChatUIProvider, darkChatTheme } from "@pushprotocol/uiweb";
export function App() {
// you can pass your own signer, if you don't pass a signer
// then it will automatically use the default onboarding kit i.e. blocknative
// !pgpPrivatekey && !account && !isConnected => will give the note
return (
<ChatUIProvider theme={darkChatTheme}>
If you're using Next.js to integrate UI Components, we recommend using Next.js 13
with the latest App Router.
Customization Parameters
Param | Type | Default | Remarks |
account | string | - | Supports wallet address or chain agnostic wallet address format |
pgpPrivatekey | string | - | Decrypted pgp private key of the user |
theme | IChatTheme | - | Theme object, it can be custom theme object, lightChatTheme darkChatTheme |
children | React.ReactNode | - | |
env | Env | - | API env - 'prod' or 'staging' |
signer | SignerType | - | Ethers or Viem Signer |
Note: Parameters
in this style
are mandatory.
- Providing only signer in ChatUIProvider automatically fetches account and pgpPrivatekey
- Providing no signer, automatically uses the default onboarding kit i.e. blocknative
- Providing account and pgpPrivateKey works as usual
- Providing no account , signer, pgpPrivateKey or isConnected as false, prompts a warning
Param | Type | Default | Remarks |
chatId | string | - | Chat id for a particular chat |
emoji | boolean | true | Default value is true, decides if the input field will have emoji option |
gif | boolean | true | Default value is true,decides if the input field will have gif option |
file | boolean | true | Default value is true,decides if the input field will have file upload option |
isConnected | boolean | true | Default value is true,shows the connect button if signer, account and pgpPrivateKey is not passed |
autoConnect | boolean | false | Default value is false, decrypts pgpPrivateKey after reload if true, or else disconnects the existing wallet connection |
onVerificationFail | function | - | Function to perfom any task on gating access verification fail modal |
messageInput | boolean | true | Default value is true,decides whether to show the message input field |
chatProfile | boolean | true | Default value is true, decides whether to show the chat profile header |
chatViewList | boolean | true | Default value is true,decides whether to show the message list |
groupInfoModalBackground | ModalBackgroundType | - | Default value is "OVERLAY" , decides the group info modal background, possible values are "OVERLAY" | "BLUR" | "TRANSPARENT" |
chatFilterList | Array<string> | - | Array of cid's of messages that needs to be excluded from chatViewList |
limit | number | - | Number of messages fetched in each paginated api call,default value is 10 |
Note: Parameters
in this style
are mandatory.
Live playground
// DO NOT FORGET TO IMPORT LIBRARIES// NOT NEEDED HERE SINCE PLAYGROUND IMPORTS INTERNALLY // import { ChatUIProvider, ChatView } from @pushprotocol/restapi; function App(props) { // define custom chat theme for your frontend and pass it in ChatUIProvider const PushChatTheme = { borderRadius: { ChatView: '32px', chatProfile: '29px', messageInput: '29px', searchInput: '99px', modal: '16px', modalInnerComponents: '12px', }, backgroundColor: { ChatViewBackground: 'rgba(18, 18, 24, 0.65)', chatProfileBackground: '#2A2A39', messageInputBackground: 'transparent', chatSentBubbleBackground: '#AF3FB1', chatReceivedBubbleBackground: '#424258', encryptionMessageBackground: '#2A2A39', buttonBackground: 'rgb(202, 89, 155)', modalBackground: '#2F3137', criteriaLabelBackground: 'rgb(47, 49, 55)', modalInputBackground: 'transparent', modalHoverBackground: 'rgb(64, 70, 80)', buttonDisableBackground: '#787E99', toastSuccessBackground: 'linear-gradient(90.15deg, #30CC8B -125.65%, #30CC8B -125.63%, #2F3137 42.81%)', toastErrorBackground: 'linear-gradient(89.96deg, #FF2070 -101.85%, #2F3137 51.33%)', toastShadowBackground: '#00000010', }, fontSize: { chatProfileText: '17px', messageInputText: '16px', chatSentBubbleText: '14px', chatReceivedBubbleText: '14px', timestamp: '15px', // chatBubblesSenderAddressText: '16px', encryptionMessageText: '13px', chatReceivedBubbleAddressText: '12px', chatReceivedBubbleTimestampText: '12px', chatSentBubbleTimestampText: '12px', searchInputText: '16px', searchPlaceholderText: '16px', }, fontWeight: { chatProfileText: '500', messageInputText: '400', chatSentBubbleText: '400', chatReceivedBubbleText: '400', timestamp: '300', // chatBubblesSenderAddressText: '300', encryptionMessageText: '400', chatReceivedBubbleAddressText: '300', chatReceivedBubbleTimestampText: '400', chatSentBubbleTimestampText: '400', searchInputText: '400', searchPlaceholderText: '400', }, fontFamily: 'inherit', border: { ChatView: '1px solid #3A3A4A', chatProfile: '1px solid #3A3A4A', messageInput: '1px solid #3A3A4A', searchInput: '1px solid transparent', modal: 'none', modalInnerComponents: '1px solid rgb(74, 79, 103)', }, iconColor: { emoji: 'rgba(120, 126, 153, 1)', attachment: 'rgba(120, 126, 153, 1)', sendButton: 'rgba(120, 126, 153, 1)', groupSettings: 'rgba(120, 126, 153, 1)', }, textColor: { chatProfileText: '#fff', messageInputText: 'rgb(182, 188, 214)', chatSentBubbleText: '#fff', chatReceivedBubbleText: '#fff', timestamp: '#87879A', // chatBubblesSenderAddressText: 'rgb(182, 188, 214)', encryptionMessageText: 'rgb(182, 188, 214)', buttonText: '#fff', chatReceivedBubbleAddressText: '#87879A', chatReceivedBubbleTimestampText: 'red', chatSentBubbleTimestampText: 'red', searchInputText: '#fff', searchPlaceholderText: 'rgb(101, 119, 149)', modalHeadingText: '#fff', modalSubHeadingText: 'rgb(182, 188, 214)', buttonDisableText: '#B6BCD6', }, backdropFilter: 'blur(6.5px)', spinnerColor: 'rgb(202, 89, 155)', scrollbarColor: 'rgb(202, 89, 155)', // backdropFilter: 'blur(6.5px)', // modalBackgroundColor:'rgba(47, 49, 55, 1)', // spinnerColor:'rgb(202, 89, 155)', // scrollbarColor:'rgb(202, 89, 155)', // //the rest param needs to be included in categories // modalPrimaryTextColor: '#B6BCD6', // modalSearchBarBorderColor: '#4A4F67', // modalSearchBarBackground: '#282A2E', // snapFocusBg: '#404650', // groupButtonBackgroundColor: '#2F3137', // groupButtonTextColor: '#787E99', // modalConfirmButtonBorder: '1px solid #787E99', // groupSearchProfilBackground: '#404650', // modalInputBorderColor: '#4A4F67', // snackbarBorderText: '#B6BCD6', // snackbarBorderIcon: // 'brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(89%) sepia(8%) saturate(1567%) hue-rotate(191deg) brightness(86%) contrast(93%)', // modalContentBackground: '#2F3137', // modalProfileTextColor: '#B6BCD6', // toastSuccessBackground: // 'linear-gradient(90.15deg, #30CC8B -125.65%, #30CC8B -125.63%, #2F3137 42.81%)', // toastErrorBackground: // 'linear-gradient(89.96deg, #FF2070 -101.85%, #2F3137 51.33%)', // toastShadowColor: '#00000010', // toastBorderColor: '#4A4F67', // mainBg: '#000', // modalBorderColor: '#4A4F67', // modalDescriptionTextColor: '#787E99', // modalIconColor: '#787E99', // pendingCardBackground: 'rgba(173, 176, 190, 0.08)', // modalHeadingColor: '#B6BCD6', // defaultBorder: '#4A4F67', }; return ( <> <h2>Live chat with custom theme and token gated</h2> <div style={{ height: '75vh', margin: '20px auto', background: 'black', borderRadius: '40px', }} > <ChatUIProvider theme={PushChatTheme}> <ChatView chatId='4ac5ab85c9c3d57adbdf2dba79357e56b2f9ef0256befe750d9f93af78d2ca68' limit={10} isConnected={true} onVerificationFail={() => setShowFaucet(true)} /> </ChatUIProvider> </div> </> ); }